The longest section runs via the nature reserve of Králický Sněžník and the ranges of Hrubý Jeseník and Nízký Jeseník. If necessary, it can be divided into two parts with a stopover in Jeseník. There are multiple highlights: the peak of Králický Sněžník, the town of Jeseník and the crest trail leading up to Praděd mountain. The 140-kilometer section shows off all kinds of landscape and is one of the main features of the entire thru-hike. You can make a turn at Smrk mountain and take an alternative route along the crest of Rychlebské hory range. More information in Section 10 (Rychlebské hory).
You can find this section in the official app of the Czech Trail, FarOut:
View the section on
View the section for the cyclists on
Tips for the section:
If necessary, the long section can be divided into two parts with a stopover in Jeseník town, which has good public transport service.
To get up-to-date information on the trail’s condition, ask other hikers on the Facebook group Stezka Českem.