A three- to four-day royal trail through Jizerské hory and Krkonoše mountain ranges. The Jizerské hory thru-hike passes through a charming mountain village of Jizerka and goes on to the Krkonoše main crest where it passes Labská bouda (a chalet) with its specific communist-era architecture. It then joins the Cesta česko-polského přátelství (Polish-Czech Friendship Trail), which takes you all the way to the must-see Sněžka mountain. If you manage to plan the hike outside of weekends and holidays, you have a good chance to enjoy Krkonoše without running into crowds of other visitors. The final part of the section is not as notorious so you will finally be able to have some peace and quiet while you walk.
You can find this section in the official app of the Czech Trail, FarOut:
View the section on mapy.cz.
View the section for the cyclists on mapy.cz

Tips for the section:
The mountain of Sněžka is extremely popular with hikers and usually very busy. Try to plan your visit to the Luční bouda – Sněžka stretch outside of weekends and holidays.
To get up-to-date information on the trail’s condition, ask other hikers on the Facebook group Stezka Českem .